Who wants to be placed on a website with contact information of immigration lawyers?
Years ago I programmed the website http://www.advocatenvreemdelingenrecht.nl/ with adresses of immigration law professionals from Holland, Belgium and the rest of the world.
The information is getting outdated. So I want to make a new website.
If you want to be mentioned on it please send me this information:
Name firm
telephone number
Experienced immigration lawyers:
<2 less then two years experience 2-4 years experience >5 years experience
Langauges spoken
a arabic
c chinese
e english
f french
r russian
s spanish
t turkish
0 other
Fee pro hour
It costs you nothing to be placed on it but I appreciate a link to the website from yours because this places the website higher in the search engines.
Kind regards.
Wytzia Raspe
The information is getting outdated. So I want to make a new website.
If you want to be mentioned on it please send me this information:
Name firm
telephone number
Experienced immigration lawyers:
<2 less then two years experience 2-4 years experience >5 years experience
Langauges spoken
a arabic
c chinese
e english
f french
r russian
s spanish
t turkish
0 other
Fee pro hour
It costs you nothing to be placed on it but I appreciate a link to the website from yours because this places the website higher in the search engines.
Kind regards.
Wytzia Raspe