04 december 2015

"The EU’s ‘short-sighted’ migration deal with Turkey"

 "Referring to the deal with the EU, Gerry Simpson, a senior refugee researcher with HRW, said: “[It] risks encouraging Turkey to illegally push back more Syrian asylum seekers and may fuel police abuses to prevent refugees from reaching Greece and Bulgaria.”
He told IRIN that a condition of Turkey receiving EU money should be that it reopens its borders to Syrian asylum seekers. At the same time, “Europe should help the region cope with refugee numbers by letting people claim asylum at Turkey’s land borders with Greece and Bulgaria and by increasing the number of Syrian refugees resettled from the Middle East to the EU.”
Rebecca Bryant, an anthropologist at the London School of Economics and an expert on displacement in the eastern Mediterranean, commented that while aspects of the final plan were positive, such as helping refugees in Turkey become more self-sufficient, funding education initiatives for refugee children, and supporting host communities, they would take time to implement. In the meantime, Turkey would be under pressure to immediately deploy more forces to protect its shoreline and clamp down on smugglers. The lag between preventing refugees from taking boats to Europe and providing the necessary incentives for them to remain in Turkey could be a dangerous one.
“Containing people without offering them alternatives could be destabilising,” she told IRIN.
“There’s just a continuing short-sightedness to this vision of how to deal with this crisis that hasn’t been overcome,” she added, pointing out that the summit statement repeatedly refers to “Syrians under temporary protection” in Turkey.
“Continuously referring to them that way seems short-sighted because most studies are showing that they’re unlikely to go back any time soon… so really we should be talking about integration.”

Lees hier het hele artikel: http://www.irinnews.org/report/102254/the-eu-s-short-sighted-migration-deal-with-turkey

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