Hello Mr / Ms,
My name is anna working on Immigration Abroad Agent Congress in China . We successfully held The Fourth Immigration Abroad Agent Congress in Shanghai . More than 100 chinese agents and 50 project companies from more than 20 countries attended the Congress ,numbered more than 400 Participants . If you would like to learn more information about our last summit , you can click the followed link . http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA5MzYwMjIxOQ==&mid=400663869&idx=1&sn=d4eb20fe4216790dd448394a21423a09&scene=2&srcid=1109ahBRie9cDTEdGgNH9aha&from=timeline&isappinstalled=0#wechat_redirect We are going to have The Fifth Immigration Abroad Agent Congress in ShenZhen next May . It is a B2B conference where we will gather more than 100 immigration agents in china and 60 overseas projects to attend our summit and make cooperation . There will be 3 parts in our summit : Part 1 : Cocktail party . All of the participants are high leaders from Immigration companies and Project Companies . Part 2 : Conference . we will have Speakers who are CEO or VP from Immigration companies and Project Companies .All of the speech are Panel Discussion . No project introduction ,Any information is allowed . All of the Audience are high leaders from Immigration companies and Project Companies . Part 3 : Workshop . It is scheduled by our on-line system where you can see all of Agents and Projects who attend our summit , you can chooes 20 ones who you are interested in and make appointments . after appointments ,you can make cooperations face to face and one by one according to your appointment time on our site of summit . My purpose of emailing you is that i would like to invite you to attend our summit .if you are interested in it , you can contact me at any time . Contact information: Tel :021-61399317 Cell :+86 18721883712 Wechat :18721883712 Email :anna.wang@comeronbc.com 18721883712@163.com Sincerely, anna
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