19 december 2015

An immigration Christmas story ---- no room for the au pair this Christmas

It is the week before Christmas. People are setting up their Christmastrees, read the cards their friends and families sent them from far away and discuss what to make for Christmasdinner. Going to Mass on Christmas Eve? Or maybe on a short holiday break?

A lot of initiatives arise for helping the poor, housing the homeless and peace on earth like every year around this time of year.

So someone working at a regional court decided it was the chosen moment to tell her au pair that instead of at the end of her contract in January she would put her on a plane home the day before Christmas and cancelling her residence permit in the meantime for no apparent reason after she had been employed by the couple to raise their three brats for already over 11 months. The girl had a Christmas planned with her Dutch boyfriend and his mum. But mrs Courthouse confronted her with a contract to sign she would go home in a few days (her contract says she should be given notice one month prior) and should continue working until the plane would leave and made the transition for the kids most pleasurable. The Dutch boyfriend had already booked a ticket so he could fly home with his girlfriend after her contract would end in January. All they had planned for Christmas and New Year was suddenly impossible and the au pair would not even have the opportunity to say goodbye to her friends.

We sent the girl to a lawyer. If anything mrs Courthouse should know better. Contract is contract. Was she trying to safe the money of the last month now she would be home from work for the holidays? Why be ruthless?

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