26 september 2009

Publicatie: 'Mobilizing the Will to Intervene: Leadership and Action to Prevent Mass Atrocities'

Kunnen jullie je nog uit het nieuws of uit de film Hotel Rwanda de generaal hereinneren die vocht voor internationaal ingrijpen om de volkerenmoord tegen te gaan?

Deze generaal, Dallaire, heeft de afgelopen 15 jaar de wereld voor dit soort situaties en genocide gewaarschuwd.

Zo zegt hij onder meer:
"I was involved in the reform of the Canadian officer corps in the late 1990s where we said, "We've got to produce the leaders who know sociology, anthropology, [and] philosophy, so they can understand the complexity of the problem, and be able to participate with the other players in resolving of the conflict and diffusing of the conflict before you have to use your rifle."

Hij werkt ook mee aan een Canadees project dat deze week zijn rapport publiceerde wat kan worden gedownload.

W2I is a crucial initiative that focuses on the prevention of genocide and other crimes against humanity. After the terrible events that took place in Rwanda and Kosovo, genocide experts seek to understand how to pressure political leaders to stop crimes against humanity before they escalate into genocide.The goal of W2I is to understand how to operationalize the principles of the Canadian-sponsored Report of the International Commission on Intervention and States Sovereignty on the Responsibility to Protect. Research will focus on how to better mobilize domestic political will in Canada and the United States. Furthermore, practical tools will be designed for nongovernmental agencies, the media, interested groups, and the general public so they can effectively pressure governments to take action to prevent future genocides and other crimes against humanity. The W2I project was developed jointly by General Roméo Dallaire and MIGS. Gen. Dallaire, Canada’s leading advocate of peacemaking, peacekeeping and peace-building in the world’s war-torn regions, brings his experience in Rwanda to the project. He is a Senior Fellow at MIGS, which supports his work with the United Nations Advisory Committee on Genocide Prevention.

You can download PDF copies of the Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies' groundbreaking policy report 'Mobilizing the Will to Intervene: Leadership and Action to Prevent Mass Atrocities' in both English and French at
http://migs.concordia.ca/W2I/documents/ENG_MIGS_finalW2IAugust09.pdf (het rapport in het Engels)

Interview met generaal Dallaire: http://www.linkedin.com/news?viewArticle=&articleID=70574788&gid=62934&articleURL=http%3A%2F%2Fc%2Emoreover%2Ecom%2Fclick%2Fhere%2Epl%3Fz2218443093%26z%3D950243899&urlhash=WHB_&trk=news_discuss

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