20 juli 2015

3 VACATURES bij International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD

The International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), an international organisation with its headquarters in Vienna, Austria.

ICMPD is currently recruiting for the positions and/or internships listed below. Under "Details" you will find the job description for the relevant vacancy and a possibility to apply for the position online. Interested applicants must register in order to apply for a position with ICMPD and are required to use the EuropeAid CV Format
Recruitment starts immediately upon publication of the vacancy announcements. As posts may be filled already before the indicated application deadline, we encourage you to submit your application early. Only short-listed applicants will be contacted.

VA15P011V01 Senior Project Manager

Project title: Support to the Africa-EU Migration and Mobility Dialogue (MMD)
Job Location: Vienna, Austria (with regular travel)
Duration: 1 year renewable - full time
Closing Date: 05 Aug 2015

VA15P011V02 Programme Assistant

Project title: Support to the Africa-EU Migration and Mobility Dialogue (MMD)
Job Location: Vienna, Austria
Duration: 1 year, renewable - full time
Closing Date: 05 Aug 2015

VA15P012V01 Project Officer

Project title: Support to Free Movement of Persons and Migration in West Africa
Job Location: Abuja, Nigeria
Duration: 29 months
Closing Date: 17 Aug 2015

 Meer info: http://www.icmpd.org/Current-Vacancies.1665.0.html

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