Eye-witnesses claim that less than a third of migrants who have already reached Germany, or are on their way there, are from Syria
In Berlin, Mohammad and Ismail told me less than a third of migrants in Germany, or on their way there, are from Syria. When I questioned this astonishing claim, they insisted they were right, calling over three friends who had travelled with them, who all said the same.
about a misunderstanding, although their English is good, I drew a pie
chart and asked them to mark on it the percentage of migrants arriving
in Germany who are genuinely Syrian.
watched by the others, took my pen and clearly drew a line showing they
really did mean 30 per cent. If these young men are right, it makes a
laughing stock of Mrs Merkel’s grandiose open-door plan.
said: ‘In our reception centre there are many, including the three
Sudanese girls, who pretend to be from our country. Yet these people
have different hair, different faces and speak Arabic in a different
accent to us.
first realised back in Turkey, when we waited to get a boat to Lesbos
in Greece, migrants from other Arab-speaking countries were claiming to
be Syrian,’ he adds.
‘The traffickers were selling them identity cards, either stolen from us Syrians, or faked, ready to show the Germans.’
Trade in these documents — produced by trafficking gangs in forgery factories — is booming.
the Greek capital Athens, a dealer and people smuggler nicknamed ‘Abu
Karem’ (it means generous one) sells Syrian and European passports from a
cafe down an alleyway. Some, costing £150 each, are brand new, printed
in Bulgaria, and are unlikely to pass muster.
We first realised back in Turkey, when we waited to get a boat to Lesbos in Greece, migrants from other Arab-speaking countries were claiming to be Syrian
Ismail Gannom, Syrian refugee
stolen from Syrian migrants, bear official registered numbers and sell
for £2,000 or more, ready for their new owner to place a photo inside.
Abu Karem’s sales pitch is that these will ‘guarantee’ entry into
Austria and then Germany.
Fabrice Leggeri, head of the European border agency Frontex, last week
told French radio: ‘Trafficking in Syrian passports is an extremely
lucrative trade for smugglers. People who use them mostly speak Arabic,
they may come from Africa or the Middle East, but they have the profile
of economic migrants, not refugees.’
He added: ‘A lot have fake Syrian papers because they know they’ll get asylum in the EU more easily.’
this week, the United Nations High Commission for Refugees estimated
that only half of the 381,000 people who have landed this year in Italy
and Greece — the two main entry points for migrants — are Syrian. Others
come from all over the Middle East and Africa.
proportion of genuine Syrians among the migrants drops further as they
make their way northwards towards Europe and more pretenders join in.
the EU border into Hungary, there are Macedonians, Albanians and
Bosnians posing as Syrians, too. The bogus Syrians have even been found
on the journey memorising street maps of the Syrian capital Damascus to
try to fool the German authorities about their nationality when they
arrive. Despite being aware of the problem, governments are struggling
to combat it.
Monday, Ivo Kotevski, of the Macedonia Interior Ministry, said: ‘There
are so many people travelling through our country that we don’t have the
capacity to investigate those with fake documents.
Ik hoop dat ondanks de hoge instroom hier goed op gecontroleerd wordt. Onder het d-beleid voor Somaliers en Irakezen zag je dit ook of met de "Ligerianen" toen Nigerianen deden of ze uit Liberia kwamen. Alleen al die meneer links op de foto want die lijkt meer Afghaans met zijn spleetogen dan Syrisch. Een vluchtelingenstatus is voor mensen die gevaar lopen voor vervolging of die niet terugkunnen naar een land wat in oorlog is. Als je niet vertelt wie je echt bent kan dat niet beoordeeld worden en ben je te vergelijken met iemand uit Nigeria die wel graag een betere baan in het Westen zou willen of de Marokkaanse mevrouw die nog niet naar haar Nederlandse man kan omdat hij net zijn vaste baan kwijt is. Juist "neppers" die er doorheen glippen maken dat "Jan met de Pet" ook niet geloofd dat diegene die echt heeft moeten vluchten geen keus had.
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