08 september 2015

Webinar: Role of Civil Society in Assisting and Protecting Migrants Caught in Conflicts and Natural Disasters September 9,

The purpose of the MICIC webinars is to present and discuss with interested parties specific thematic areas, raise awareness, and present preliminary results of work carried out. The webinars, which are being produced in close consultation with working group members, are oriented toward various stakeholders and aim to provide clear, practical, and accessible guidance. The focus of the webinars includes areas identified through the consultations that require further analysis, interpretation, or clarification.

MICIC Initiative Webinar: Role of Civil Society in Assisting and Protecting Migrants Caught in Conflicts and Natural Disasters
September 9, 2015, 4pm Geneva (GMT+2)
On September 9, 2015, the MICIC Initiative will host a global webinar on the role civil society plays in assisting and protecting migrants caught in countries experiencing conflicts or natural disasters.  As local, national, and transnational actors, civil society have extensive experience assisting and protecting migrants caught in countries experiencing ccrises. This webinar will focus on the role civil society plays in assisting and protecting migrants; how greater collaboration with governments, businesses, and other stakeholders can better support their efforts; and what frameworks and tools they require to better address the needs of migrants caught in countries experiencing crises.
Panelists: This event will feature representatives from the MICIC Initiative Working Group, including the MICIC Initiative Secretariat which is hosted by the IOM, as well as civil society. The presentations will be followed by an interactive Q&A session.
Event Access: Blue Jeans Prime Time. The live event is open to the public, see access details below.
To join, select from the following options:
1) Web Browser
2) Laptop paired with room system (Best Experience)
a) Dial: bjn.vc or in the room system.
c) Enter the pairing code displayed on your room system's screen into your browser.
3) Connecting directly from a Room System?
a) Dial: bjn.vc or in the room system.
b) Enter Meeting ID: 379686376 and Passcode : 7143
4) iOS mobile devices
a) Download the app from the AppStore:  https://itunes.apple.com/kn/app/blue-jeans/id560788314
b) Enter event ID : yu67754.
5) Signing in by phone
a) Choose one of the local phone numbers from this list: http://bluejeans.com/numbers
b) Enter participant PIN : 2030832725

More info: http://micicinitiative.iom.int/webinars

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