02 september 2015

International Refugee Law Course (English)

Sanremo, 20-24 October 2015
Programme               General Information          Pictures of last year's course 

Dr. Jean-François Durieux (Belgium)
Director of the International Refugee Law and Migration Law Programme

Ms Olga K. Nikolova (Bulgaria)
Coordinator Refugee Law and Migration Law Courses
The courses are organised by the International Institute of Humanitarian Law in cooperation with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. They are supported by the Swiss Federal Office for Migration, the US State Department (Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration), the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The courses aim to increase the knowledge and skills of government officials involved in the formulation and the application of legislation and policies affecting people in need of protection, and who have only a basic knowledge of International Refugee Law. They are also open to those interested from civil society, particularly those in advocacy for the protection of forcibly uprooted people.
Participants in the courses have the opportunity to interact with the practitioners and experts in the field of refugee and migrant protection, who facilitate the various thematic sessions of the programmes. Different learning methodologies are used to encourage participants to apply knowledge and skills acquired in operations in a practical and pragmatic manner.
Registrations and administrative questions should be addressed to Ms Patricia Panizzi at panizzi@iihl.org. 
Course duration is one week. Applicants must be fluent in English.
Registration form 
The deadline for applications is one month prior to the start of the course
Course fee: €700

More info here: http://www.iihl.org/international-refugee-law-course-english

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