It's an image that sublimely captures the moment desperation gave way to joy for a refugee family who found sanctuary after fleeing terror.
The photograph of Laith Majid clasping his son and daughter after their flimsy boat arrived safely on the Greek island of Kos has struck a chord with thousands across the world since it was first published by the New York Times on Sunday.
Majid and his children were among 15 men, women and children abroad a flimsy rubber boat, which had crossed over from the Turkish resort town of Bodrum, Etter explained.
Majid and his wife, a school teacher, fled their home in the war-torn Syrian city of Deir Ezzor with their three children.
"She told me it took them a long time to decide whether to leave their home or not," Etter said.
They paid over $US6,500 (roughly $8,000) for the final two-hour leg of their journey from Bodrum to Kos.
"After more than two hours of driving the boat had lost air, water had leaked into it, the refugees were soaked when they arrived at the shore. They were then completely relieved to have arrived safely," the 34-year-old photographer told German-speaking news site Speigel.
"In that moment it all came at them together, the joy of having done it; the love for their family; the grief over what had happened," he said.
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