17 augustus 2015

Timeline: The History of International Law --- Wanneer werd Turkije een Europese staat?



Ottoman Empire admitted to the Concert of Europe

A sign that the empire had secured recognition as a full-fledged ‘European’ State
Formal components of European diplomacy were put in place: an enlarged foreign ministry with new embassies was established, with French being adopted as a key working language, and staff and procedures undergoing professionalization. Still, questions remained over how equal it really was.
Learn more from Oxford Scholarly Authorities on International Law.

Meer van dit soort leuke weetjes op de Timeline die gemaakt is door de Universiteit van Oxford

We have created a concise timeline mapping the broad history of public international law with particular attention paid to the signing of major treaties, the foundation of fundamental institutions, the birth of major figures in international law and milestones in the development of some of the field’s best-known doctrines. There are varying opinions on where to start in the history of international law, as well as arguments around periodising the dynamic developments, though for this project we have started our timeline with the Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494. Explore some of the major developments in the history of international law and read more by clicking through to freed-up chapters from the Oxford Historical Treaties, the Max Planck Encyclopaedia of Public International Law, relevant book chapters, blog pieces and journal articles.
 Struim zelf ook eens rond: http://www.tiki-toki.com/timeline/entry/459289/The-History-of-International-Law/

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