Some immigration law courses / Cursussen vreemdelingenrecht in Italie
10th International Migration Law Course Sanremo, Italy, 28 September – 3 October 2014 The five-day Course on International Migration Law (IML) is designed for government officials, academia, representatives of international and non-governmental organizations, as well as members of the civil society. It will focus on the international legal framework governing migration, including the rights and responsibilities of States and migrants. The key objective of this Course is to raise the awareness of government officials and those working in the migration field of the importance of international legal instruments in the management of migration. The Course will be conducted in English and open to a maximum of 50 participants. Topics to be covered during the Course include: Overview of International Migration Law and its Main Instruments - Migration Terminology - Authority and Responsibility of States: Nationality, Admission, Stay, Detention, Expulsion - Human Rights of Migra