Workshop on 'Migration and Mobility'
Monday 10th June, 9.00am - 5.00pm (times tbc) - Fore Hall, Main Building, University of Glasgow
Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 12th June, 9.00am - 5.00pm (times tbc) - Kelvin Hall Conference Seminar Room 1
The Economics Department at the University of Glasgow is organising a workshop on “Migration and Mobility: research findings, policy and impact”. The aim of the workshop is to bring together novel research on international and internal migration. The Research Workshop takes place on 10-11 June 2019.
This is the inaugural event of the annual University of Glasgow Summer Institute series on “Community and Change”, funded via the Principal’s Office and the “Behaviour, Structure & Interventions” interdisciplinary research network.
Keynote Speakers
Monday 10th June, 9.00am - 5.00pm (times tbc) - Fore Hall, Main Building, University of Glasgow
Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 12th June, 9.00am - 5.00pm (times tbc) - Kelvin Hall Conference Seminar Room 1
The Economics Department at the University of Glasgow is organising a workshop on “Migration and Mobility: research findings, policy and impact”. The aim of the workshop is to bring together novel research on international and internal migration. The Research Workshop takes place on 10-11 June 2019.
This is the inaugural event of the annual University of Glasgow Summer Institute series on “Community and Change”, funded via the Principal’s Office and the “Behaviour, Structure & Interventions” interdisciplinary research network.
Keynote Speakers
Christian Dustmann (University College London)
Pia M. Orrenius (Vice President of Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas)
Workshop on 'Migration and Mobility', June 2019
Summer Institute series on “Community and Change”
The Economics Department is organising two workshops on “Migration and Mobility: research findings, policy and impact” at the University of Glasgow in June 2019. The aim of the workshops is to bring together novel research on international and internal migration. The Research Workshop takes place on 10-11 June 2019, followed by a PhD Workshop on 12 June 2019. While participants may attend the individual workshops, we welcome anybody interested to stay for both events. This is the inaugural event of the annual University of Glasgow Summer Institute series on “Community and Change”, funded via the Principal’s Office and the “Behaviour, Structure & Interventions” interdisciplinary research network.
Keynote Speakers
- Christian Dustmann (University College London)
- Pia M. Orrenius (Vice President of Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas)
- Giovanni Peri (University of California Davis)
Please submit full papers (preferred) or abstracts to by 31 March 2019 . For PhD students, please include “PhD Workshop” in the subject.
There is no registration fee for any of these events. Travel and accommodation expenses will be reimbursed for presenters. Additional travel grants are available on request to support workshop attendance by PhD candidates.
Michele Battisti, Sayantan Ghosal, Theodore Koutmeridis, Tanya Wilson. For any enquiries, please contact: .
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