Upper Tribunal Clarifies Case C-400/12 MG
This famous case – referred to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) by the Upper Tribunal (UT) at [2012] UKUT 268 (IAC) – about the citizens’ Directive returned to the UT to be decided in light of the CJEU’s decisions in Case C-400/12, SSHD v MG ECLI:EU:C:2014:9 (see here) and Case C-387/12, Onuekwere v SSHD ECLI:EU:C:2014:13 (see here). The tribunal judges explained that that “the issue of deportation of foreign criminals is of compelling public importance.” But, after taking account of the further evidence that came to light in this case, the UT concluded that MG was entitled to succeed in her appeal even on the basis of the lowest or “baseline” level of protection. So, in deciding MG’s case, the UT did not need to dwell on the parties’ submissions on the actual meaning of the CJEU’s judgment. But given the ruling’s significance, the UT nevertheless felt compelled to say something about those parts of the parties’ submissions that dealt with the meaning of the CJEU’s eventual judgment.
Lees verder hier: http://asadakhan.wordpress.com/2014/09/09/upper-tribunal-clarifies-case-c-40012-mg/
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