02 oktober 2009

Scottish leader launches attack on UK immigration laws

Scotland’s First Minister Alex Salmond has today heavily criticised UK immigration laws in a speech to an audience from ethic minority organisations.

He said the current laws do not reflect the “priorities and needs” of Scotland.

He also attacked Baroness Scotland after she broke her own laws by employing a Tongan housekeeper who was not in possession of a valid UK visa.

Salmond went on to highlight recent cases when migrants have made the move to Scotland and been hindered by “infuriating” UK immigration rules.

Salmond, quoted on the Scotsman website, said: "It is absolutely infuriating to have cases and things that are totally and absolutely unnecessary which you could and should change but don't have the simple powers to make that change."

The First Minister went on to lament his lack of powers at being able to make changes to immigration law.

"I long for the day, as First Minister in the Scottish Parliament, that we can legislate for an immigration system that reflects the priorities, the needs and the attitude of this country."

The speech was made as part of the Scottish Government's series of National Conversation events on the future of the country’s constitution.

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