5) Schoonmoeders belangrijk voor integratie stelt Brits rapport
The report's author, Jikta Markova, suggests that the research makes clear that mothers-in-law should be included in integration work. "Esol colleges often enrol these women and only communicate with these women, but each has a whole family attached to her who are incredibly influential," she says. "I've been really surprised how supportive families can be. Many come from rural communities and have never been on public transport. Mothers-in-law worry they will get lost . Husbands say, 'I just want my wife to be safe.'"The report also calls for the role of the Esol teacher to be reassessed. "These women are on a journey of integration. They need a guide on that journey and the Esol teacher is often the first English person they meet," says Markova. "They are a female role model outside the home. They could be funded to provide additional support, home visits, working with the family, and one-to-one sessions to help the women achieve their aspirations."
Toen de moskeegangers in York hoorde dat de EDF bij hen op de stoep van de moskee zouden komen demonstren rukten ze niet de zandzakken aan maar bakten taart en zetten thee. En in plaats van een knokpartij eindigde de demonstratie in een dialoog. Zo zie je maar.
Around half a dozen people arrived for the protest, promoted online by supporters of the EDL. A St George's flag was nailed to the wooden fence in front of the mosque.
However, after members of the group accepted an invitation into the mosque, tensions were rapidly defused over tea and plates of custard creams, followed by an impromptu game of football.
Mohammed el-Gomati, a lecturer at the University of York, said: "There is the possibility of having dialogue. Even the EDL who were having a shouting match started talking and we found out that we share and are prepared to agree that violent extremism is wrong.
8) 30% en kennismigranten
Lees hierover meer hier: http://www.expatax.nl/kb/article/can-the-30-ruling-be-less-than-30-407.html#.UaXdKdjcPwE--------------------------
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