02 oktober 2012

1st Oct 2012 Announcing the European Database of Asylum Law

The European Database of Asylum Law (EDAL) is an accessible, open access, online database of case law from EU Member States relevant to the interpretation of European asylum law. It is coordinated and hosted by the Irish Refugee Council (IRC) in partnership with the European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) and the Hungarian Helsinki Committee (HHC). It is funded by the European Commission’s European Refugee Fund.

EDAL’s primary purpose is to provide summaries of relevant case law in English and the national language of the Member State in which the decision was made. EDAL is searchable in English and the original language of the decision. Cases are searchable by multiple search fields, e.g. case name, date, country of applicant, country of asylum, provisions of EU law, ‘free-text search’ and by selecting keywords. There is also an extensive browse function available so that users can browse decisions according to country and legal provision etc. A User Guide to the Database is available in 9 EU languages at http://www.asylumlawdatabase.eu/en/content/about-edal-european-database-asylum-law.

The primary target audience for this data-base is legal practitioners, the judiciary, decision-makers at all levels, policy makers and academics. It is of course also useful to a variety of other actors, including, for example, NGOs, refugee councils and other policy advocates. By improving the quality and consistency of decision-making, asylum seekers, refugees and host countries also benefit from the resource.

The EDAL project aims to foster deeper cooperation amongst decision-makers and practitioners in Member States by facilitating and promoting an exchange of information and the development of best practice on the implementation of EU law. Accordingly EDAL endeavours to be complementary to and integral to the development and furtherance of the Common European Asylum System.

Read the whole (long) article here: http://frlan.tumblr.com/post/32664096902/announcing-the-european-database-of-asylum-law#.UGqsUanbyv0.twitter

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