Check out this @BBCNews article series on the who, what, when, where and why of EU #asylum
— ECRE (@ecre) January 6, 2015
How many asylum applications are successful?
There were 435,760 asylum claims in the EU in 2013 - a 30% rise on 2012.
At the end of 2013, more than 352,000 were awaiting a decision on their asylum application.
Germany had the highest number of asylum claims - a quarter of the total.
In 2013 about one-third of asylum claims in the EU were successful. The highest recognition rates were for Syrians, Eritreans and stateless refugees.
Fewer than 100,000 Syrians have been given asylum in the EU, the European Commission says.
In the first half of 2014 countries in southern Europe received 60,800 asylum requests - a 73% increase on the same period of 2013. Most of the claims were made in Italy and Turkey, the UNHCR reports.
read more here in the report:
Q&A: Migrants and asylum in the EU
The arrival of boatloads of poor and desperate migrants in Europe has put pressure on the EU to find a solution.
Italy has been on the frontline - traffickers abandoned two
cargo ships with hundreds of migrants on board within days of each
other. Mediterranean disasters, in which hundreds of migrants drowned, shocked Europe in 2013-2014. There have been many calls for co-ordinated EU action to intercept people traffickers and assess asylum seekers before they reach Europe.
But championing the rights of poor migrants is difficult as the economic climate is still gloomy, many Europeans are unemployed and wary of foreign workers, and EU countries are divided over how to share the refugee burden.
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