14 november 2014

"In light of the Dano judgment, when can unemployed EU citizens be expelled?" door Britse professor Steve Peers


Steve Peers

Yesterday’s important CJEU judgment in Dano concerned an application for access to benefits, not expulsion. So it has no direct impact upon the latter issue. Nevertheless, it is possible that the judgment has an indirect impact on that issue, due to the Court’s interpretation of the EU citizens’ Directive.

Earlier this year, I wrote a detailed blog post on the issue of when unemployment could justify expulsions and entry bans of EU citizens. The following supplements that analysis in light of the Dano judgment.   

Rules on expulsion

The bulk of the rules on expulsion (and also denial of entry or exit) appear in Title VI of the EU citizens’ Directive, Articles 27-33. These rules concern expulsions or entry bans on grounds of ‘public policy, public security or public health’. However, they can’t be used to justify expulsions or entry bans of unemployed people, because Article 27(1) says that they ‘shall not be invoked to serve economic ends’. 

Continue here: http://eulawanalysis.blogspot.co.uk/2014/11/in-light-of-dano-judgment-when-can.html

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