16 september 2013

"New in The Netherlands"- handige informatie van de Inspectie SZW

New in the Netherlands

If you come from the European Union and want to work and live in the Netherlands, the following brochure in different languages will give you a brief description of all the necessary actions you must take after your arrival. From registering with the municipality where you live, your rights and obligations as an employee or self-employed person, to the rules and customs of living in the Netherlands.
We have tried to give as much information as possible in the brochure. If you want more information about a certain topic, you can find this via the internet site referred to in the brochure.

In case of an emergency, you can also contact your country’s embassy in the Netherlands.

Choose your language:

For more information and publications in your or other languages you can click here.

On the English section of this website you can find more extensive information on several topics. Click here to go to the webpage English.

Bron: http://www.inspectieszw.nl/other_languages/New_in_the_Netherlands.aspx

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