09 september 2013

Thinking about returning to your home country? IOM can help you! (website over terugkeer naar land van herkomst)

IOM is an intergovernmental organization and is not part of the Dutch government. IOM can only assist if you want to return voluntarily.
If you are thinking about returning home, IOM can provide individual, free, confidential advice and information on assisted voluntary return and reintegration. If you decide that you want to return, we can arrange your flight and help you obtain travel documents. We will also help you plan your return and give you information about reintegration support available in your country. In some cases you may also be eligible for reintegration assistance (money or other services) after you return.
What does IOM offer?
IOM offers individual and confidential advice to help you decide whether or not to return voluntarily to your country. We give you the information you need to be able to make an informed decision. We do not try to persuade you either to return or not to return – we respect your decision.
If you decide to return to your country, we will support you with;
  • Planning – for example the journey from the airport to your hometown, what you would like to do after your return, contacting your family, etc.;
  • Applying for travel documents and booking flights;
  • Assistance at the airports, in the Netherlands and on transit- and upon arrival;
  • Information on support that may be available in your country of return (education, employment, training and business start up packages);
  • Reintegration support in your country of origin (money and/or other services).

 Bron: http://buildyourreturn.nl/

Stories about Return


Starting up a business in Iraq

Mr I. and his family returned to a different city than where they originate from in Iraq.
When Mr. I and his wife came to the Netherlands they stayed in an AZC. Shortly afterwards they were recognized as refugees and received a permanent residence permit. This allowed them to settle down in the Netherlands. Mrs I. gave birth to two children: a boy and a girl. Mr I. opened a restaurant which did not work out as planned. The poor social life, lack of family presence, home sickness, limited finances, and, last but not least, the improved safety situation in Iraq made this family consider returning to Iraq.
Mr I. started to develop a business strategy with his brother who lived in Iraq. They planned to supply shops in their region with food products from all over Iraq. No storage facilities would be required because supplies would be delivered upon request.
Once back in Iraq, the family settled down. As part of a minority there it was rather easy for them to obtain a residence permit from the regional authorities.
The family rented a house using part of the grant received from IOM. The housing was arranged through Mr I.’s network of personal contacts while they were still in the Netherlands. Mr I. actively approached shop owners as potential clients. The rest of the money was used for the purchase of a delivery van and the enrollment of the eldest child in school. Mr I. pays $500 for rent, while earning an average of $1700 per month. At the moment Mrs I. is seeking employment.
Mr. I and his family gave up their Dutch residence permits before returning. Now they have a positive outlook in Iraq. They are very happy to be back and do not regret their decision to return.


In verband met geldwolven die denken geld te kunnen claimen op krantenartikelen die op een blog als deze worden geplaatst maar na meestal een dag voor de krantenlezers aan leeswaardigheid hebben ingeboet terwijl wij vreemdelingenrecht specialisten ze soms wel nog jaren gebruiken om er een kopie van te maken voor een zaak ga ik over tot het plaatsen van alleen het eerste stukje. Ja ik weet het: de kans dat u doorklikt is geringer dan wanneer het hele artikel hier staat en een kopie van het orgineel maken handig kan zijn voor uw zaak. Wilt u zelf wat overnemen van dit weblog. Dat mag. Zet er alleen even een link bij naar het desbetreffende artikel zodat mensen niet alleen dat wat u knipt en plakt kunnen lezen maar dat ook kunnen doen in de context.

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