Blik over de grens: Bekijk eens de website van de Scottish Refugee Council

Zoals een rechter vroeger eens tegen mij zei toen ik leerde uitspraken schrijven "Beter goed gejat dan slecht verzonnen". Soms kom je op goede ideeen door te kijken wat een ander doet. En zoals mijn vriendin Rani vanmorgen zei: "Nederland kijkt steeds minder over zijn grenzen heen en dat is heel slecht voor de Nederlandse economie.

Dus daarom maar eens - en omdat ik ze al tijden op twitter volg en onder de indruk van hun werk ben - jullie aandacht gevraagd voor de Schotse vluchtelingenorganisatie de Scottish Refugee Council. 

Hun website kan je hier vinden: en op Twitter zitten ze als


Who we are

Passionate campaigners for refugees - providing vital advice since 1985

Helping refugees rebuild their lives in ScotlandHelping refugees rebuild their lives in Scotland
Since 1985, Scottish Refugee Council has worked to ensure all refugees in Scotland are treated fairly, with dignity and that their human rights are respected. An independent charity, we’re here to provide essential information and advice, but that’s just part of the story. We also campaign for political change, raise awareness about issues that affect refugees, and work closely with local communities and organisations.
There are approximately 40 of us based here in Glasgow, as well as over 50 volunteers who give their valuable time to help us in our work, from advising new refugees, providing advice to helping us raise funds.

Our organisational structure

Our Board of Directors is made up of people from a range of backgrounds, including some who came to Scotland as refugees.
Our patrons  are Nelson Mandela, journalist and critic Joyce McMillan and former Solicitor General for Scotland Lord McCluskey.
Our members include individuals and organisations, and you can join them. If you’d like to attend our AGMs and have a casting vote in our work, find out more about membership.

Our Strategic Plan 2010 - 2013

Scottish Refugee Council Strategic Plan 2010-2013Scottish Refugee Council Strategic Plan 2010-2013
For more information about our work now and in the future, read our Strategic Plan (PDF).
Each year our Board of Directors revisits the short-term plan. Our Annual Reviews give an idea of the work we’ve been doing each year."

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