08 januari 2016

Leesvoer voor het weekend: Kijk eens met een niet-Westerse bril naar geschiedenis en waar verschilde Duitsland nou in met Irak

Ik ben lid van een leesgroep waarbinnen we iedere 6 weken een boek over een geschiedenisonderwerp bespreken in de Centrale Bibiliotheek. Deze week was het nog "Savage Continent" over de periode rond het einde van de Tweede Wereldoorlog en de paar jaar erna .Wat de Amerikanen hadden moeten kunnen lezen voor ze Irak hadden binnengevallen - Europa was net zo'n chaos als Irak na de val van Saddam. Het enige verschil dat ik kon ontdekken was dat in Duitsland alle mannen werden geinterneerd of dood waren en er dus niemand meer kon bommen leggen.  Het is ook gelijk duidelijk waarom het Vluchtelingenverdrag in 1949 tot stand kwam. Hele bevolkingen waren door Europa aan het trekken. Niet alleen Joden die de kampen hadden overleefd maar ook etnische Duitsers, Duitsers wiens land Polen was geworden en ook Roemenen, Oekraieners en Polen lagen overhoop. Dankzij asielrelazen hebben we een sterke maag maar dit is 400+ pagina's ellende. Syrie is opeens niet zo ver weg meer.

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Voor onze maartsessie hebben we gekozen voor een boek door een niet-Westerse schrijver:

From the Ruins of Empire

The Revolt Against the West and the Remaking of Asia

 Pankaj Mishra's provocative account of how China, India and the Muslim World are remaking the world in their own image - shortlisted for the Orwell Prize 2013. It is shortlisted for the Orwell prize 2013. Viewed in the West as a time of self-confident progress, the Victorian period was experienced by Asians as a catastrophe. As the British gunned down the last heirs to the Mughal Empire or burned down the Summer Palace in Beijing, it was clear that for Asia to recover a new way of thinking was needed. Pankaj Mishra re-tells the history of the past two centuries, showing how a remarkable, disparate group of thinkers, journalists, radicals and charismatics emerged from the ruins of empire to create an unstoppable Asian renaissance, one whose ideas lie behind everything from the Chinese Communist Party to the Muslim Brotherhood, and have made our world what it is today. Reviews: Arrestingly original ...this penetrating and disquieting book should be on the reading list of anybody who wants to understand where we are today . (John Gray, Independent). A riveting account that makes new and illuminating connections ...deeply entertaining and deeply humane . (Hisham Matar). Fascinating ...a rich and genuinely thought-provoking book . (Noel Malcolm, Sunday Telegraph). Provocative, shaming and convincing . (Michael Binyon, The Times). Lively ...engaging ...retains the power to shock . (Mark Mazower, Financial Times). Subtle, erudite and entertaining . (Economist, New Delhi). About the author: Pankaj Mishra is the author of Butter Chicken in Ludiana, The Romantics, An End to Suffering and Temptations of the West. He writes principally for the Guardian, The New York Times, London Review of Books and New York Review of Books. He lives in London, Shimla and New York.

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Via Amazon is een ebook helft goedkoper: http://amzn.to/1RylZZR

Ik heb er zelf deze bijbesteld:

Auteur: Edward W. Said
Uitgever: Penguin Books Ltd
For generations now, Edward W. Said's Orientalism has defined our understanding of colonialism and empire, and this Penguin Modern Classics edition contains a preface written by Said shortly before his death in 2003. In this highly-acclaimed work, Edward Said surveys the history and nature of Western attitudes towards the East, considering orientalism as a powerful European ideological creation - a way for writers, philosophers and colonial administrators to deal with the 'otherness' of eastern culture, customs and beliefs. He traces this view through the writings of Homer, Nerval and Flaubert, Disraeli and Kipling, whose imaginative depictions have greatly contributed to the West's romantic and exotic picture of the Orient. Drawing on his own experiences as an Arab Palestinian living in the West, Said examines how these ideas can be a reflection of European imperialism and racism. Edward W. Said (1935-2003) was a Palestinian-American cultural critic and author, born in Jerusalem and educated in Egypt and the United States. His other books include The Question of Palestine , Culture and Imperialism and Out of Place: A Memoir . If you enjoyed Orientalism , you might like Frantz Fanon's The Wretched of the Earth , also available in Penguin Modern Classics . Stimulating, elegant and pugnacious . ( Observer ). Beautifully patterned and passionately argued . ( New Statesman ). Very exciting ...his case is not merely persuasive, but conclusive . (John Leonard, New York Times ). Magisterial . (Terry Eagleton).

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