03 december 2013

EDAL Conference 2014: Reflections on the Current Application of the EU Asylum Acquis

Hilton Charlemont hotel, Dublin, Ireland
17th and 18th January 2014
The European Database of Asylum Law is a key legal tool complementing the numerous endeavours seeking to strengthen the development of harmonized standards of protection within the Common European Asylum System. As we see the fruits of the second phase of the CEAS begin to be implemented, the EDAL Conference provides a space to critically and constructively reflect on the reality of the achievements of the CEAS to date and to consider the potential for greater levels of protection and harmonisation in the future. The Conference will be of interest to decision-makers, practitioners, academics and NGO representatives from across Europe and participants will benefit from ample opportunity to compare and contrast the current application of EU measures across Member States.
Conference speakers include
Judge Lars Bay Larsen, Court of Justice of the European Union
Dr. Cathryn Costello, Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford, UK
Bernard Dawson, Judge of the Upper Tribunal, Immigration & Asylum, UK
Diane Goodman, Deputy Director, Bureau for Europe, UNHCR
Professor Guy S. Goodwin-Gill, All Souls College, Oxford, UK
Mr. Justice Bernard McCloskey, President of the Upper Tribunal, Immigration & Asylum, UK
Nuala Mole, AIRE Centre, UK
Adriano Silvestri, EU Agency for Fundamental Rights
Professor Jens Vedsted-Hansen, University of Aarhus, Denmark

Aikaterini Drakopoulou, Greek Refugee Council
Nadine Finch, Garden Court Chambers, UK
Sabine Jansen, COC-Netherlands
Peter Jorro, Garden Court Chambers, UK
Luc Lebeouf, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Véronique Planès-Boissac, Consultant, France
Dr. Marcelle Reneman, VU University, Netherlands
Judith Ruderstaller, Helping Hands, Austria
Dr. Ciara Smyth, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
Dr. Liam Thornton, University College Dublin, Ireland

Topics to be addressed include
Ø  The interplay of EU asylum law with the 1951 Convention and the ECHR
Ø  National use of country of origin information in the Common European Asylum System
Ø  Fundamental rights, mutual recognition and the Dublin Regulation
Ø  The protection of asylum seekers under the Charter of Fundamental Rights
Ø  Fundamental rights and dignity at the borders of the EU
Ø  The best interests of the child in the Common European Asylum System
Ø  Reception conditions and socio-economic rights under International and European Law
Ø  Sexual orientation, gender identity and human dignity in the Asylum Acquis
Ø  The right of asylum seekers to an effective remedy in EU law
The Conference will commence at 2pm on Friday, 17th January 2014, with registration and a light lunch available from 12.30 pm, and will be held from 9.30 am to 5.40 pm on Saturday 18th January 2014.
Limited subsidies are available for participants from designated countries. For more information and to apply, see the Booking Form.
 Programme to follow.

Zie: http://www.asylumlawdatabase.eu/en.

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