12 december 2013

Tackling Brain Waste Among Immigrant Professionals: Initiatives to Improve the Recognition of Foreign Qualifications

Immigration and the circulation of skilled professionals has become a major source of human capital in the United States and across the advanced industrialized world. Despite this reality, internationally mobile workers are often unable to put their skills and experience obtained abroad to good use. The resulting waste of human capital represents a loss to employers, destination economies, and immigrants themselves. 
This event will bring together experts and policymakers from both sides of the Atlantic to discuss what governments can do to improve the recognition of foreign credentials — particularly in regulated occupations where time-consuming and expensive licensing processes can substantially delay access to skilled employment. The discussion will highlight promising practices from abroad, asking what US policymakers can learn from European innovations in qualifications recognition and how international cooperation can help — both across the Atlantic and further afield. 
The event will conclude a two-year research initiative at the Migration Policy Institute on the recognition of foreign qualifications in the United States and Europe, funded by the Delegation of the European Union in the United States. It will also launch the project’s final report, which focuses on international cooperation for the mutual recognition of foreign credentials.

Watch it now life here:  http://events.powerstream.net/002/00592/2012-MPI-PowerPlay/?contid=20131212-TacklingBrainWasteamongImmigrantProfessionalsInitiativestoImprovetheRecognitionofForeignQualifications#powershow



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