Snowden's case shows it's not easy to gain refugee status
In many ways Snowden is far removed from the average asylum seeker. He is an American ex-spy, is assisted by WikiLeaks in his pursuit of asylum and was at one point believed to have been hiding in the Bolivian President’s plane. But the case of Edward Snowden means that people are reading about asylum, an issue that is shrouded by misconceptions.
Tabloids and popular myths can make it appear as though western countries are perennially flooded by refugees. Opinion polling in 2012 showed that four out of 10 people in the UK believed that more than 10 per cent of the population are asylum seekers. The actual figure is less than 1 per cent.
Most asylum seekers are not American ex- spies who flee to Hong Kong en route to Moscow. Last year the largest number of any country came from war torn Afghanistan. Indeed the high correlation between countries that endure large scale violence (like Afghanistan and Iraq) or human rights abuses (China) and the number of people who flee them explains a lot. People are literally fleeing for their lives.
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