Human Rights Weekend 2017 - Behind the headlines - 27 t/m 29 januari
This year’s theme is Behind the headlines, highlighting human rights issues that did not make it into the headlines and providing essential background information for those that did.
The weekend is filled with human rights films, master classes and discussions with film directors, Human Rights Watch researchers, journalists, government officials and others about topics such as international criminal justice, unaccompanied child refugees, police militarisation, freedom of expression, sexual violence as a weapon of war, environment and human rights, schools and hospitals under attack, and Trump and human rights. The event covers a wide range of countries, from Rwanda to the United States and from Burma (Myanmar) to Denmark.
Human Rights Watch offers four routes for those interested in particular topics:
- International Justice: The Uncondemned / The Apology / Sexual violence as a weapon of war / Fighting for Global Justice
- Freedom of Expression: Tickling Giants / The impact of Social Media on Human Rights / Defending Human Rights in Repressive Countries / Burma Storybook
- Refugees: Chasing Asylum / Dreaming of Denmark
- Civilians under Attack: The Heart of Nuba / Schools and Hospitals Under Attack / Do Not Resist
Het thema van het Human Rights Weekend 2017 is Behind the headlines. We gaan dieper in op de mensenrechtenschendingen die de kranten niet haalden, en achterhalen cruciale achtergrondinformatie bij het nieuws dat wel op de voorpagina’s stond.
Het weekend is gevuld met films, masterclasses en discussies met filmregisseurs, Human Rights Watch onderzoekers, journalisten en beleidsmedewerkers. We onderzoeken onderwerpen als internationaal strafrecht, alleenstaande minderjarige vluchtelingen, militarisering van politie, vrijheid van meningsuiting, seksueel geweld als oorlogswapen, en de relatie tussen klimaat en mensenrechten. Dit jaar beslaat het programma de hele wereld, van Rwanda tot de Verenigde Staten, en van Burma (Myanmar) tot Denemarken.
Human Right Watch heeft vier routes uitgestippeld per onderwerp:
- International Justice: The Uncondemned / The Apology / Sexual violence as a weapon of war / Fighting for Global Justice
- Freedom of Expression: Tickling Giants / The impact of Social Media on Human Rights / Defending Human Rights in Repressive Countries / Burma Storybook
- Refugees: Chasing Asylum / Dreaming of Denmark
- Civilians under Attack: The Heart of Nuba / Schools and Hospitals Under Attack / Do Not Resist
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