20 februari 2014

Vacature: Project Officer "Support to the Silk Routes Partnership for Migration under the Budapest Process"

Job Location: Vienna, Austria
Duration: 10 months
Closing Date: Feb 23, 2014


ICMPD is looking for qualified candidates to fill the above-mentioned position. The project "Support to the Silk Routes Partnership for Migration" has been developed in the framework of the Budapest Process, one of the longest standing cooperation frameworks on migration for Europe and its eastern neighbours. Since 2010, the so-called Silk Routes countries - among others Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan - have joined the process as new participating states. Following this regional expansion and marking the process's 20th anniversary, "A Silk Routes Partnership for Migration" was adopted at the 5th Budapest Process Ministerial Conference in April 2013 in Istanbul, focusing on six priority areas and concrete follow-up of these through projects and actions. The present project aims at contributing to the concrete implementation of the Silk Routes Partnership for Migration under the Budapest Process by strengthening the migration management capacities of the Silk Routes countries Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan.


 Qualification and Experience
 Excellent oral and written communication skills in English and one of the Silk Routes
languages (Arabic, Dari, Urdu or Pashto) are essential, including the ability to prepare
briefs, background papers, presentations, speeches, etc.
 An advanced university degree (Master's degree or equivalent) in a relevant area
 Minimum of 3 years of experience in the migration field
 Prior working experience in and with the Silk Routes Region is essential
 Clear and sound understanding of migration issues, especially within the framework
of external cooperation and capacity building
 Substantial knowledge of migration issues in the Silk Routes Region
 Has corresponding knowledge in the area of training, in particular, development and
delivery of migration training programmes and data management
 Ability to draft reports, work plans and budgets
 Ability to work in a multicultural, multi-ethnic environment with sensitivity and respect
for diversity
 Excellent interpersonal and communication skills

Hier gevonden: www.icmpd.org/Vacancy-Detail.1666.0.html?&tx_contactdb_pi2[backPid]=1665&tx_contactdb_pi2[vacancy]=519

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