02 februari 2014


11 February 2014, Brussels
EU mobility at local level
Free movement of EU citizens from around the European Union offers many opportunities both for those who move and those who stay home.
Local authorities are in the forefront to welcome EU citizens. A number of cities have developed specific policies to deal with newcomers, be it to inform them at time of their arrival, to integrate them in the local economy or to counter potential inclusion challenges. The European Union also offer some tools at the disposal of local authorities.
The joint conference for mayors organised by the European Commission and the Committee of the Regions will bring together mayors and representatives of local authorities to discuss the impact of intra-EU mobility at local level and exchange best practices in order to maximise beneficial impacts and respond to potential inclusion challenges.
The conference will build on the conclusions of an independent study commissioned by the European Commission on the impact of the free movement of EU citizens at local level, which analyses the situation in six European cities: Barcelona, Dublin, Hamburg, Lille, Prague and Turin (to be released shortly).
The conference represents one of the five actions defined by the Commission in answer to some Member States concerns regarding free movement of EU citizens, as presented in the Communication on Free movement adopted on 25 November 2013, with the aim to address local authorities’ needs as regards free movement.

 Read more here: (also for the background papers) http://ec.europa.eu/justice/events/intra-eu-mobility-2014/index_en.htm

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