09 december 2019

When you do not qualify for family reunification other options might be possible

Suppose your wife is studying in a European country and you would like to accompany her but she does not have the income to sponsor you for a spousal visa.

Let me give you some ideas.

1) Why not start a study yourself if you have money in the bank? Here in The Netherlands that gives you a residents permit as a student. Other EU countries might have a similar system. Moreover a foreign degree looks quite good on one's resume.

2) Have your heard of the Blue Card system? EU blue card holder | Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND). 
It comes down to employers hiring personnel that will get a very high salary because they cannot find suitable employees within the EU.
In The Netherlands we also have the Knowledgemigrant permit (kennismigranten). Salary requirements are lower.

Also for researchers there are good opportunities within the EU and the position comes with a residence permit. Did you know that a .Phd position is a paid job in The Netherlands?

4) If you are an American you can apply for a residence permit as an American under the Dutch American friendship Treaty. It means you will have to start a business however small.Your loved one might not live and study in The Netherlands but flight time is a lot shorter than when you have to go all the way to the USA to see each other.

If that all is not possible you will have to leave the Schengen area for 3 months on and off. The UK is not Schengen. Do you need a visa for the UK? Then your loved one might come and visit a bit easier. There you can think about what to do next or keep applying for jobs. 
Bottom line: there are other residence permits apart from family and one might suit you just fine. 

(of course when your wife has a EU nationality is makes things a lot easier and you maybe can do the Europe-route)

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