27 februari 2011

Cursus: Labour Migration Academy: Enhancing Protection, Promoting Development and Facilitating Governance

International Training Centre of the ILO (ITC ILO)
Location: Italy(Turin)
Date: 04-07-2011 to 15-07-2011
Language: English

The main aim of the Labour Migration Academy is to provide advanced knowledge and enhance the capacity of key actors involved in migration issues to better understand labour migration challenges and opportunities in a changing global economic and social context. The Labour Migration Academy covers a wide range of migration cross-cutting themes such as protection, governance and development.

What is included in the course fee?

This covers tuition fees; the use of training facilities and support services; training materials and books; accommodation and full board at the Centre’s campus; a lump sum allowance for incidental expenses at the Turin Centre and emergency medical care and insurance.

How to Register

Applications to attend the course should be supported by a nomination letter from the sponsoring/funding institution, indicating how the candidate will be financed (to be sent to socpro@itcilo.org)

Please apply online at the following web address: http://intranetp.itcilo.org/STDRF?coord_code=A904073&set_language=en
Applications to participate in the workshop should be
addressed no later than 14th May 2011
Training Cost
3250 Euros

Intended Audience
This training course is aimed at the following groups: - Policy makers and administrators from concerned governmental institutions; - Representatives of workers and employers’ organizations handling migration matters; - Staff of international development agencies and regional economic communities; - Staff of NGOs and civil society organizations and activists dealing with migrant workers; - Representatives of Diasporas and migrants’ associations; - Researchers and academics working on migration issues. Participants are expected to attend up to seven hours of class daily and complete some homework assignments during the course.

Training Contact
Ms Miriam Boudraa
Email: socpro@itcilo.org
Telephone: 00390116936359


Bron: http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/rwt.nsf/db900SID/OCHA-8E6MWU?OpenDocument

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