08 november 2018

The Case of the Administrative Arrangement on Asylum-Seekers between Greece and Germany: A tale of “paraDublin activity”?

Stathis Poularakis, Legal advisor - Advocacy Officer Médecins du Monde – Greece*
* Reblogged from the EDAL blog. An earlier version of this article was published in Greek on immigration.gr blog. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Médecins du Monde – Greece. Special thanks go to Evangelia Tzironi, PhD Candidate at the Law School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens for proofreading the article.
In mid-August 2018, Germany, Greece and Spain agreed on the sketchy details of the initial migration compromise deal that was reached on the sidelines of the EU Summit in Brussels in late June 2018. In this context, the Ministers on Migration of Germany and Greece reaffirmed their commitment by exchange of letters, to work towards common European solutions and to avoid any unilateral measure with respect to migration and asylum.   
 n particular, both countries underlined their support for concluding the revision of the Common European Asylum System by end of 2018 “with the aim of achieving the goal of fair sharing of responsibility and solidarity”. In the event of a crisis – defined as a situation where asylum applications have surpassed a certain percentage e.g. 140% of a State’s fair share of asylum applications based on objective criteria (total population and GDP) – Germany committed to support Greece in the Council (of the European Union), especially on the adoption of additional support measures at European Union level. Germany agrees also that further supportive and development measures need to be adopted on the five Greek islands of Eastern Aegean, where the hotspot approach is implemented, in order to assist local communities. Finally, Germany affirms its commitment to increase the human resource capacity in Greece, through the EU Asylum Support Office (EASO), with the aim to strengthen the asylum system.

The final operational details of the aforementioned political agreement were annexed to the letters, under the Title “Administrative Arrangement”. This blog post aims to outline the key points of this “Arrangement”, to examine its legal nature arguing that argue that this document is a bilateral treaty whose scope extends beyond the Dublin Regulation, and to critically assess its impact on the EU asylum policy.

Continue here: http://eulawanalysis.blogspot.com/2018/11/the-case-of-administrative-arrangement.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+EuLawAnalysis+%28EU+Law+Analysis%29

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