The Home Office is keen to emphasise that the UK wants to
attract only the best and brightest talent from around the world. On 20
February 2020 the Global Talent route
was launched under the current system for non-EU citizens, so as to
improve the UK’s attractiveness to highly skilled individuals with
specialist skills. The route reformed and replaced Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) and
is designed to attract recognised global leaders, and tomorrow’s
leaders in science, humanities, engineering, the arts (including
architecture, film and fashion design) and digital technology. This is
with a view to enriching the UK’s knowledge, economy and society. Top
scientists and researchers are able to benefit from a quicker
endorsement process as part of a fast track STEM scheme. Moreover, a
cross-departmental unit called the Office for Talent will be set up in
order to make it easier for leading global scientists, researchers and
innovators to come and live and work in the UK. For the Global Talent
route applicants must be endorsed by a recognised UK body, as approved
by the Home Office. Individuals can apply the following endorsing bodies
who will verify their expertise before they can apply for a visa, The
Royal Society, for science and medicine, The British Academy, for
humanities, The Royal Academy of Engineering, for engineering UK
Research and Innovation, for science and research, Tech Nation, for
digital technology and Arts Council England, for arts and culture.
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- immigration law blog on Dutch visa, residence permits, citizenship, nationality etc. -
Redactie mevr. mr M.W.W. Raspe (berichten uit de media zijn niet altijd ook haar mening)
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