07 september 2020

De mensen die met bootjes over het Kanaal naar Engeland oversteken blijken "echte vluchtelingen" - Channel boat people are refugees, Home Office officials confirm

"Migrants crossing the English Channel in small boats are overwhelmingly genuine refugees, senior Home Office officials have confirmed. Evidence presented to the Home Affairs committee of MPs on 3 September makes clear that the majority of those making the perilous crossing are either being granted refugee status straight away or come from countries for which the success rate in asylum applications is extremely high.

Figures on small boat crossings are not routinely published, but the Home Office keeps tabs. Senior official Abi Tierney told the committee that 5,000 people have crossed the Channel in small boats so far this year. Of those, 98% have claimed asylum. The Home Office has issued an initial decision on around half of those asylum claims so far.
The breakdown of those roughly 2,500 decisions is as follows:
20% of those have been granted, 10% have been refused and a further 71% have been refused because we are not the responsible country, i.e., they have travelled through a safe country before they came here.
Tierney’s colleague Tyson Hepple, head of Immigration Enforcement, later clarified that the 71% are not being refused in the sense that the Home Office thinks they are not genuine refugees. The department just believes that another European country has the legal responsibility for deciding whether they should be granted asylum or not:

Continue for the rest of the article here: https://www.freemovement.org.uk/channel-boat-people-are-refugees-home-office-officials-confirm/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=channel-boat-people-are-refugees-home-office-officials-confirm&utm_source=Free+Movement&utm_campaign=a2eff1837d-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_WEEKLY&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_792133aa40-a2eff1837d-116334469&mc_cid=a2eff1837d&mc_eid=b72b4a153a

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