20 februari 2016

Inspirerende TED-Talk van asielzoeker naar ondernemer - it is the place that is good for you what is your home

Via Ingrid

Bright discovered that his personal refugee story and his West-African background were his unique selling points and he started incorporating them in his work as an actor and a trainer. His path from asylum seeker to entrepeneur became a success story. Bright wanted to enable other young asylum seekers to follow a similar path - young people with very often very few prospects for the future. He started a foundation with the goal to inspire and motivate young asylum seekers to reach their goals for the future. New Dutch Connections creates a community of individuals and companies that supports and empowers young asylum seekers. Because, as they say in Africa: ‘it takes a village to raise a child’.

Bright O. Richards was a famous actor in Liberia before the war broke out. Arriving in the Netherlands as a young asylum seeker, he lost the platform that he was used to. For this reason, he decided to buy a pair of typically Dutch wooden shoes. As a result, he became known as 'The African on wooden shoes'. These shoes gave him back his platform: people in the streets would come up to him, start conversations with him and they always heard him walking by.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx

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