01 juli 2020

"Hand out for migrants with a zoekjaar." by lawyer mr Kleijweg

A few weeks ago mr Kleijweg and I hosted a webinar for people who were here with a Searchyear permit. During the meeting it became clear that those former students were not always well informed about the benefits for them. A former student who has a Zoekjaar verblijfsvergunning (Seachyear permit) does not need those high salary amounts a normal highly qualifies migrant does AND the employer does not need a workpermit for the employee. So mr Kleijweg made a handout for those foreign students.

The basis of the migrationlaw in The Netherlands is the national interest. Only if there is a national interest, a residencepermit will be granted. For that reason there is the “High skilled migrants permit”.
When you are granted the “zoekjaar” there is a special arrangement in place. During this “zoekjaar” you are allowed to do any job without salary threshold. See https://ind.nl/en/work/Pages/Looking-for-a-job-after-study-promotion-or-research.aspx.
If you want to continue working after your zoekjaar, you must meet the requirements as a “High Skilled Migrant”. Those requirements are simple. You must be employed by an employer that is registered as “erkend referent/recognized sponsor” and therefore is allowed to employ High Skilled Migrants. For the current list of those employers, see: https://ind.nl/en/pages/public-register-recognised-sponsors.aspx.
Realize that the most important thing is the salary that you will earn. In the normal situation there are in 2020 four salary thresholds applicable. For all thresholds see: https://ind.nl/en/pages/required-amounts-income-requirement.aspx.
The lowest threshold for those who file the application as High Skilled Migrant during their Zoekjaar is Euro 2.423.- bruto per month.
The threshold for those who are under 30 years of age (without zoekjaar or applied for after end of zoekjaar) is Euro 3.381.- bruto per month.
The threshold for those who are 30 years or older (without zoekjaar or applied for after end of zoekjaar) is Euro 4.612.- bruto per month.
If you have found an potential employer and the employer is not a recognised sponsor yet, no problem. We can arrange that for the employer. See: https://ind.nl/en/work/Pages/Recognition-as-a-sponsor.aspx. The preparation and filing of the application as High Skilled Migrant, we can do also for the employer.

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