20 juli 2020

Gratis cursus over trauma (gefocust op het lesgeven aan zulke kinderen maar ook heel handig voor de NT2 docent of jurist die met vluchtelingen werkt)

De cusus wordt verzorgd door de Australische Queensland University of Technology en is op PABO - niveau maar u moet er wel goed Engels voor kunnen. Alles gaat online in een bestek van twee weken en een paar uur cursus. Na afloop kunt u er een certificaat voor krijgen,

Dit was mijn stukje in het Engels hierover.

Teaching Students Who Have Suffered Complex Trauma: Not only interesting for people who teach like for instance I do with my "Dutch class for immigrant ladies" of whom several come from a traumatic refugee background. But this course also shows that when your body is flooded with stress hormones your brainstem is over active and as a result your prefrontal cortex is offline. So there’s minimal or no cognitive activity driving any decisions about his behaviour. I think it is safe to say that when a refugee gets his or her interview to determine their asylum claim that will be the case too. I think by learning how to react to these kind of students we will also be better lawyers.

"Let’s go back to the example of the young boy who smashed the classroom window.

Neuroscience tells us that while this student is experiencing this significant behaviour event:

  • His brainstem is on overload.
  • His system is being flooded with abnormal and excessive amounts of stress hormones.
  • His prefrontal cortex is offline, so there’s minimal or no cognitive activity driving any decisions about his behaviour.

Neuroscience tells us that this student is experiencing a serious neurobiological and physiological event that is, for a time, out of his control. He will need a period of careful and informed co-regulation to be able to come down from this state.

Neuroscience tells us that if we want to influence the frequency and intensity of this boy’s future behaviours, we need to access his prefrontal cortex. So, we need to put time and thought into making this happen in the most informed manner we can."

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