26 september 2019

Richtlijn 2004/38 en de afhankelijke ouder. Een Brits artikel over de vraag of de ouder dat nou echt moet zijn

Christopher Desira has been practicing immigration law for twelve years. He is the director and founder of Seraphus Solicitors. He is a practicing Solicitor, and a qualified Immigration and Asylum Accredited Senior Caseworker and Supervisor. Prior to Seraphus he was the head of the immigration department at Lawrence Lupin Solicitors. He has also worked at several charities including Bail for Immigration Detainees, the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants, and Freedom from Torture.

Do dependent parents actually need to be dependent under the EU Settlement Scheme?

An EU citizen, or their spouse or civil partner, is entitled to have his or her dependent parent continue to live with them or join them in the UK under the EU Settlement Scheme. This has always been the case since the scheme began. But one particularly confusing aspect, even for us lawyers, was the meaning of ‘dependent’ as defined in Appendix EU and how dependency is determined, if at all, by the Home Office.
Appendix EU to the Immigration Rules defines a dependent relative as “the direct relative in the ascending line of a relevant EEA citizen (or of a qualifying British citizen) or of their spouse or civil partner”. It goes on to say:
‘direct relative in the ascending line’ includes a grandparent or great-grandparent; and […]
the dependence of the direct relative in the ascending line on the relevant EEA citizen (or on the qualifying British citizen), or on their spouse or civil partner, is assumed. 
The presence of the word “assumed” is the troubling part. Does this mean that the Home Office accepts dependency by virtue of the family relationship i.e. a person is a parent and therefore is dependent and it does not matter whether the parent is in any way really dependent at all? Alternatively, does it mean that, for the purposes of the application, the Home Office will not ask for evidence of dependency but the parent must actually be dependent as a matter of fact in real life in order to succeed and, crucially, retain their status going forward?

Continue here: https://www.freemovement.org.uk/do-dependent-parents-actually-need-to-be-dependent-under-the-eu-settlement-scheme/

Als ik het goed begrijp interpreteert de Britse overheid het zo dat je niet als ouder van een kind boven de 18 je afhankelijkheid moet aantonen van te voren maar als diegene dan eenmaal in de UK woont dan moet die wel afhankelijk zijn. Dat is dus wezenlijk verschillend van Nederland wat een financieel onderhoud in het land van herkomst eist.

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