30 augustus 2017

Is het Canadese supervisum voor ouders ook wat voor Nederland?

Misschien ook (weer) wat voor Nederland?

In Canada hebben ze een supervisum ingevoerd voor ouders. Daarmee mogen ouders twee jaar bij hun kinderen verblijven op eigen kosten. Dit blijkt populair en veel goedkoper voor het land fan wanneer diezelfde ouders permanent verblijf met een verblijfsvergunning aanvragen. Wij hadden tot de PVV-VVD het wegstemde iets vergelijkbaars voor 6 maanden en een alleenstaande senioir-vtv. 

Douglas Todd: Global seniors flock to Canada’s 'super visa'

So far 89,000 parents and grandparents have come to Canada on the super-visa program, half of them from South Asia. (Photo: A Canadian Border Services agent at a Canadian airport). Darren Calabrese / PNG

A growing number of seniors around the planet have become like nomads, travelling the world to spend time with their children in different immigrant-receiving countries.
As a result, says Vancouver immigration lawyer Joshua Sohn, many offshore parents who don’t want to become Canadian citizens are instead applying for this country’s “super visa” which allows them to stay with their children here for up to two years at a time.
So far 89,000 parents and grandparents have come to Canada on the super-visa program, which was setup five years ago as an alternative to the over-subscribed parent-reunification program, which is more costly to Canadian taxpayers.
More than half of those who have so far received super visas are from South Asia, particularly India, where specialists say there is more of an emphasis on several generations of a family living under one roof.
The sought-after super-visa program is generally considered a success in immigration circles and particularly in Metro Vancouver, which has a large number of South Asians.
Although some warn the super-visa program is not without potential for abuse, Sohn is one of several immigration lawyers and specialists who suggest it was an innovative idea by former Conservative immigration minister Jason Kenney. It has been retained under the federal Liberals.
“It was a smart move,” Sohn said. “I think it’s good in that there are many grandparents and parents who don’t want to come and be permanent residents in Canada. They’re more like nomads. They want to be free to visit their children in various parts of the world.”
The super-visa was created in part to protect Canadian society from the social costs of accepting too many offshore seniors as permanent residents or citizens.
Kenney said in 2012 that family-sponsored parents and grandparents end up relying far more than most citizens on taxpayer-funded health care when they come here to become immigrants. One out of four, according to Kenney, were also going on welfare after 10 years in Canada, despite their offspring’s agreement to support them.
A Forum poll found two of three Canadians, including immigrants, disapprove of family-sponsored parent reunification programs because of the health and social safety-net costs. Almost no other country allows them.
In contrast, Sohn said Canada’s super-visa program, which began in 2012, requires foreign applicants to purchase private health insurance to cover their stay in Canada. The super visa can be extended to allow several two-year visits over a 10-year period.

 Continue here: http://vancouversun.com/opinion/columnists/douglas-todd-global-seniors-flock-to-canadas-super-visa

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