20 maart 2017

The ECtHR’s Ilias and Ahmed v. Hungary and Why It Matters

"While the Ilias and Ahmed v. Hungary judgment doesn’t break any new ground with respect to the Court’s reading of the law, it is probably one of the Court’s more important recent cases in light of its broader implications, political as well as legal. First of all, the Court’s analysis of the new situation in Hungary following the legislative amendments of 2015 effectively calls into question the legality of Dublin returns to that country along the lines of M.S.S. v. Belgium and Greece (in case anyone was really still wondering if it was alright to send asylum-seekers back to Hungary). Furthermore, by analysing the conditions and asylum system of Serbia and determining the existence of a real risk of violations of Art. 3 in case of forced return there (particularly with respect to the possibility of chain refoulement), the Court actually sent a very clear message to the Serbian authorities themselves, giving local civil society a new resource to draw upon when confronting state officials and their obstinate mantra that Serbia has somehow been “more European than some European countries” in its handling of the refugee situation. In fact, the practice of Serbian authorities is just about identical to Hungarian practice when it comes to the automatic application of the safe third country concept and refusal to examine asylum applications in the merits, albeit deprivation of liberty is far less common."

Het hele artikel: http://www.ejiltalk.org/the-ecthrs-ilias-and-ahmed-v-hungary-and-why-it-matters/

Wellicht is mijn boekenblog ook interessant: http://dutchysbookreviews.blogspot.nl/l

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