21 september 2017

Wat is nog het nut van in bezwaar gaan bij de Visadienst? (To appeal against a Visarefusal)

Two Pakistani businessmen need to be in Holland for a business event in October. So in the last week of JULY they apply for a #visa. It gets rejected on grounds because the civil servant did not read all documents nor called to get information. The gentlemen appealed on the 16th of August. A full month later not even the embassy file was sent nor had anyone read the appeal. Now last Monday the case got a person appointed to decide on it. But so far no word. My other client is from India and wanted to come for a holiday and requested a visa and got rejected. Although he has clarified all doubts in his appeal only thing he has been told so far is that the procedure can last 3 months and wanting to go on holiday is no reason to speed things up. Do civil servants realise they make people loose a lot of money? Not only the person who wants to come to The #Netherlands but also hotels, restaurants, taxi drivers, business contacts!!!!!!! A tourist is a customer for many people.

Last year mr Kleijweg and I teamed up in the case of a couple of Indian business men who need to attend a tradefair. During the emergencyhearing at court the litigator of the #IND (procesvertegenwoordiger) said they rather decided themselves then be forced by a judge in a temporary ruling. Ok but if you ant to take 3 MONTHS to read a file you force people to pay courtfees and extra legal advice. They might think "F*ck you Holland" and decide to do their business elsewhere. The UK is strong competition (no Schengen) and also are Germany and France.


Wellicht is mijn boekenblog ook interessant: Novel set in pre Taliban Afghanistan/i> More:  http://dutchysbookreviews.blogspot.nl/

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