Afghan asylum seeker to be returned to UK from Kabul after Home Office loses court battle
Grote rel in Engeland waar Afghaan werd uitgezet terwijl de rechter dat verbood. Drie rechtzaken later en woedende rechters vindt eindelijk de overheid dat ze de handdoek in de ring moeten gooien. Meneer zegt in Kabul in gevaar te zijn terwijl hij wacht op terugkeer. Theresa May is een enorme bully die vindt dat verdragen onzin zijn. Niet alleen het EU verdrag maar 3 en 8 EVRM wil ze ook van af. Voor een land waar habeas corpus is uitgevonden een schande om zo de splitsing der machten te negeren.
Samim Bigzad could be flown back to the UK on Sunday morning
A High Court judge had warned that the Home Office’s actions constituted a “prima facie case of contempt of court” after it violated a previous order.
The Home Office initially attempted to deport Mr Bigzad in August but was thwarted when a Turkish Airlines pilot refused to take off from Heathrow with him on board.
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Government threatened with contempt of court action after defying orders by High Court judges
An asylum seeker who was deported to Afghanistan despite being threatened with beheading by the Taliban is to be flown back to the UK following a lengthy court battle.
Samim Bigzad has been waiting to hear his fate in a hotel in Kabul as his legal representatives took the Home Office to court to overturn his deportation.
But he is expected to be returned to London on Sunday morning after the Court of Appeal threw out the Government’s attempt to keep him in Afghanistan.
Samim Bigzad has been waiting to hear his fate in a hotel in Kabul as his legal representatives took the Home Office to court to overturn his deportation.
But he is expected to be returned to London on Sunday morning after the Court of Appeal threw out the Government’s attempt to keep him in Afghanistan.
A High Court judge had warned that the Home Office’s actions constituted a “prima facie case of contempt of court” after it violated a previous order.
The Home Office initially attempted to deport Mr Bigzad in August but was thwarted when a Turkish Airlines pilot refused to take off from Heathrow with him on board.
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