12 september 2017

Breaking up an international relationship; a true story from a family lawyer

Uiteen - Kantoor voor Familierecht en Erfrecht
Gepubliceerd op 7 sep. 2017
A true story from a family lawyer of Rose, her client who moved from the US to another country (The Netherlands) for her relationship. And then they break up. How can you prevent negative concequences when breaking up an interational relationship?

Wytzia Raspe
1 seconde geleden
And there is also the immigration law part of stories like this. You do not have to be married to apply for a residence permit with your boyfriend. Make sure you have one. Otherwise you are an illegal migrant. After 5 years you can apply for permanent residence and even the Dutch nationality. When the relationship then breaks apart you are not forced to return to your country of origin.

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