07 juni 2017

Vacature - Postdoctoral researcher: Integration of Refugees in Rotterdam (0.8-1.0 fte)

Stichting De Verre Bergen is a philanthropic foundation aimed at contributing to improve the city of Rotterdam. This foundation has developed a programme (Stichting Nieuw Thuis Rotterdam, SNTR) to promote the integration of Syrian families who have recently settled in Rotterdam. The programme focuses on learning the Dutch language, guidance in education and work, welcoming and getting to know the neighborhood and city, and stimulating self-sufficiency. In addition, apartments have been purchased for these families. The Erasmus University Rotterdam has been asked to follow the integration of these refugee families in Rotterdam and to determine the effect of the SNTR programme. The research will map the integration through a large-scale longitudinal survey and follow refugee families that participate in the SNTR programme and refugees who do not (comparison group participates in the integration programme of the municipality of Rotterdam). Through largely qualitative research, the content of the project and the participants' experiences are monitored intensively (process evaluation).
For the purpose of the research, SDVB finances a second postdoctoral researcher during the period 1st  September 2017 to 31st August 2020. This is equivalent to funding for a period of three consecutive academic years.


You have a PhD in the social sciences and have extensive knowledge of quantitative research skills. Expertise in panel data analysis and quantitative impact methods is important. You have insight into issues of integration of migrant groups, preferably those of refugees. Knowledge of and affinity with qualitative research is a plus. You are interested in policy issues and applied research. Tact, initiative, perseverance, good consulting and social skills are essential. You have experience with managing junior researchers and dealing adequately with political-administrative processes within a municipal and community context.


You are appointed at the Faculty of Social Sciences (FSW) of Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) at the Department of Public Administration and Sociology (DPAS). Part of your working time might also take place at the location of the SNTR programme in the centre of Rotterdam. The research project is under the supervision of Prof. Dr. J. Dagevos, Professor of Integration and Migration at the EUR. You spend 10% of your time on teaching tasks that are related to the research you are conducting.
The position is fixed-term for the duration of a total of three years. Appointment is made initially for the period of one year, with a renewal (after performance review) by a period of up to two more years. The gross monthly salary for this function, depending on your education and experience, is between € 3,427, - and € 4,691, - (scale 11 of the CAO Nederlandse Universiteiten (CAO NU)) for full-time employment. The EUR has attractive working conditions, including 8.0% holiday allowance, an end-of-year benefit of 8.3% and 232 holiday hours a year at full-time employment. In case of an 8-hour workday, you build up in addition weekly 2 hours. Furthermore, the EUR is affiliated with the ABP for pension provision. Staff can also make use of a number of facilities, such as sports facilities and a library.


The Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) is an internationally oriented university with a pronounced social orientation in its education and research. Our scientists and students work to solve global and social challenges, inspired by the dynamic and cosmopolitan city of Rotterdam. Our academic education is intensive, active, and applied. Our research is increasingly taking place in multidisciplinary teams, which are highly intertwined with international networks. With our research impact and study quality,Erasmus University Rotterdam is highly ranked and can compete with leading European universities. Important values ​​for Erasmus University Rotterdam are being daring, curious, socially involved, deliberate and aspiring to success. www.eur.nl


The Faculty of Social Sciences (FSW) has four research areas: public administration, psychology, sociology, and pedagogy and offers a wide range of national and international Bachelor and Master's programmes in which people and society are central. The training offered within these areas of science is now followed by over 3,000 students. The FSW also has more than 300 employees.
The department benefits from a key position in the European public administration landscape through numerous editorial board positions and participation in several cross-national networks. Leading sociologist in the field of migration, political sociology and families are based in the department and participate actively in public debates and international research projects. Cooperation with third parties and conducting research with societal impact are key values of the department. The bachelor and master programmes reflect our diverse expertise and educate students to become active professionals.

Additionele informatie

For more information about the vacancy, please contact Prof. Dr. J. Dagevos (dagevos@fsw.eur.nl; Tel. 06-31698593). For more information on Stichting Verre Bergen and the SNTR programme, you can approach Dr. F. Noordhoff (fnoordhoff@sdvb.com, Tel. 06-38 28 81 87).
For more information about the SNTR programme, see also the link [www.sntr.nl/]
Starting date: 1st September 2017.

Hier staat de vacature: https://www.academictransfer.com/employer/EUR/vacancy/40817/lang/en/

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