28 mei 2014

Nieuw master mensenrechten in Leiden (European and international human rights LLM)

De Leidse rechtenfaculteit breidt het aantal masters voor rechtenstudenten flink uit met liefst vijf nieuwe opleidingen
European and international human rights law laat masterstudenten de diverse lagen binnen internationale en regionale wetgeving op het gebied van mensenrechten analyseren

De inschrijving voor deze nieuwe masters is inmiddels geopend. Studenten die in september aan een master willen beginnen, kunnen zich na toelating tot 31 augustus aanmelden via Studielink. Meer informatie over deze en andere Leidse masters is te vinden op de website www.mastersinleiden.nl.


European and International Human Rights Law (Advanced)

In the contemporary world the coexistence and interaction of legal regimes has become a characteristic feature. The same holds true for the human rights systems that have developed nationally, regionally and globally.
 In many cases where human rights are at risk, different human rights protection mechanisms may be applicable or overlap. In addition, human rights supervisory bodies seem increasingly inclined to take each other’s work into account, aiming to enhance the building of an all-embracing and cohesive human rights culture. The Advanced Master’s in ‘European and International Human Rights Law’ gives the coexistence and interaction of multiple human rights mechanisms pride of place by studying them in a comparative perspective. This Master of Laws Advanced Studies programme is a focused and demanding postgraduate degree programme. It is directed at law graduates and other graduates with a sufficient background in law who are eager to pursue advanced studies in order to specialise in international and European human rights law.

Distinguishing features in brief

Small-scale teaching enables intensive interaction between students and lecturers, thus allowing for in-depth analysis, teaching and research. The programme focuses on studying human rights law in a comparative perspective whilst covering both international and regional human rights systems.
We pride ourselves on being able to offer contributions to the programme from renowned human rights experts working in the field who bring the most recent developments and issues to the class room for real-time discussions.
A study trip to human rights organisations in Strasbourg and Geneva is of course a must for this programme and will add to a genuine understanding of human rights law by helping to put theory into practice.
… and through all this you will gain the necessary international experience and skills you need to work in the field of human rights law anywhere in the world.


The programme focuses on deepening and broadening your knowledge and understanding of the multilayered nature of European and international human rights law. It endeavours to make you an expert on the overall characteristics and working of different human rights law protection mechanisms in their specific political, social and legal settings and on the various ways in which they may coexist, overlap and influence each other. It does not aim to make you the ultimate specialist in any single human rights law system by studying it in minute detail.
The philosophy of the programme lies in the conviction that studying the specific features and overall workings of various human rights law systems in a comparative perspective will enable you to gain the in-depth knowledge and understanding of human rights law you will need to work in the field of human rights anywhere in the world.


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