Somaliër betreurt beslissing om illegale reis van zijn broer naar Europa te financieren. Nu alles kwijt
Failed Migrant’s Journey to Europe Echoes in Africa
MOGADISHU, Somalia— Mustaf Hussein Abukar wanted a better life for his younger brother, in Europe. Instead, he got an encounter with a human-smuggling racket that nearly bankrupted his family, a common story in this East African nation and across the continent.Two years ago, Mustaf Abukar sold his father’s farm to help pay his brother’s smugglers in the hope his sibling might prosper in Europe. But German security forces caught the brother, Hashim, trying to sneak into the country, and he has been stuck in immigration limbo for the past year.
Now without land or savings, Mustaf says he is near destitution. He thinks about what Hashim could have done with the money they spent, such as starting a business in Mogadishu to sell mobile phone credit.
“I regret it,” Mustaf Abukar said. “Really, it was a big mistake.”
Lees hier verder voor het lange artikel over mensensmokkelaars en hoe de reis van zijn broer verliep:
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