PhD Defence
Voluntary return and the limits of individual responsibility in the EU Returns Directive
- C.M.F. Mommers
- Date
- Thursday 10 February 2022
- Time
- 11:15 - 12:00
- Location
Academy Building
Rapenburg 73
2311 GJ Leiden
- Prof. P.R. Rodrigues
- Prof. P. Boeles
Het concept ‘vrijwillige terugkeer’ is een cruciaal
maar vaak slecht begrepen onderdeel van de EU-Terugkeerrichtlijn, die
regels stelt voor de terugkeer onrechtmatig in EU-lidstaten verblijvende
migranten. Vrijwillige terugkeer biedt hun de kans krijgen zelf te
vertrekken en zo uitzetting en eventuele detentie kunnen voorkomen. Maar
hiermee wordt ook de primaire verantwoordelijkheid voor het
terugkeerproces bij het individu neergelegd. Dit terwijl deze
verantwoordelijkheid alleen vaag is gedefinieerd in de Richtlijn,
waardoor EU-lidstaten deze heel breed kunnen interpreteren. Zo kan het
individu sneller de ‘schuld’ krijgen als terugkeer niet lukt, zelfs als
dit bijvoorbeeld aan het land van terugkeer lag. En dit kan dan alsnog
tot (onterechte) detentie of andere consequenties leiden voor dat
Dit proefschrift kijkt daarom hoe deze eigen verantwoordelijkheid
duidelijker kan worden afgebakend. Hierbij wordt gekeken naar twee
elementen van vrijwillige terugkeer in de Richtlijn: de terugkeerplicht
(die bepaalt wat de migrant wel en niet moet doen om terug te keren) en
de vrijwillige vertrekperiode (die bepaalt hoe lang hij of zij krijgt om
aan deze plicht te voldoen). Uitgangspunt hierbij is dat een goed
begrip van deze onderdelen alleen kan worden verkregen door deze te
bekijken vanuit de driehoeksverhouding tussen het individu, de
EU-lidstaat en het land waar naartoe teruggekeerd gaat worden. Een
analyse van de rechten en plichten die deze drie partijen tegenover
elkaar hebben leidt uiteindelijk tot de formulering van 25 richtsnoeren,
die moeten zorgen voor een duidelijkere en eerlijkere praktische
toepassing van de regels omtrent vrijwillige terugkeer door
PhD dissertations
PhD dissertations by Leiden PhD students are available digitally after the defence through the Leiden Repository, that offers free access to these PhD dissertations. Please note that in some cases a dissertation may be under embargo temporarily and access to its full-text version will only be granted later.
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The European Union cross-border road transport is a truly living organism operating at a supranational level. Due to the fact that the very essence of the road transport sector is dictated by its international element, it is not an easy field to navigate in terms of finding the applicable laws and regulations. This is more specifically the case with the employment and social rights of cross-border truck drivers. In spite of the existing rules on cross-border transport, it is still sometimes shredded in ambiguity. In order to bridge the gap between the uncoherent and difficult to comprehend legislation, faulty operating provisions that could serve as a basis for circumvention of the laws and increasing legal uncertainty, this Module attempts to provide a thorough analysis of the key concepts of European Union law relating to the field of employment and social rights of cross-border road transport workers. It seeks not only to provide a better understanding of the topic, but also, more importantly, to stimulate the problem solving skills, especially as far as the grey areas of the laws are concerned.
Learning objectives
The main learning objective of this MOOC is to raise the awareness of the importance and the impact of European Union law on the employment and social rights of truck drivers engaged into cross-border road transport. Due to the inherent interrelation of different provisions of EU law that are applicable to the cases of cross-border road transport, it is of paramount importance to unravel the particular interrelations between different fields of EU law together with its implementation in national law in order to understand the core legal problems arising from application of the legal norms. Furthermore, the course is intended to accommodate the participants with an opportunity to benefit from mutual learning opportunities by making use of all available legal sources ranging from the Treaties, directives and regulations through case law, which supports the application of EU law.
Structure of the Module and textbook
This MOOC consists of five parts that correspond to the five chapters of the book each depicting a vital topic for the EU cross-border road transport. The chapters of the textbook 'Cross-border employment and social rights in the EU road transport sector', edited by Bartłomiej Bednarowicz and Amber Zwanenburg serve as a main course material for the enrolled participants. The chapters of this book are published under the heading 'reading materials' for each week and can be accessed without any costs. However, if you wish to purchase a hard copy of this textbook, you can order it online at Eleven publishers using this link:
The first chapter sets forth the general legal framework depicting the basic operating mechanisms of the European Union internal market with a focus oriented at the personal and material scope of three fundamental freedoms of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU): free movement of workers, freedom to provide services and freedom of establishment. The core principle governing the fundamental freedoms embodied in the Treaties is the principle of non-discrimination and the prohibition of imposing obstacles to these freedoms. These principles, depending on the freedom, may have a different ambit, as shown by important case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), which will be analysed further throughout the chapter.
The second chapteron the other hand, dwells into the problem of applicability of rules on private international law on the employment contracts in the cross-border road transport. It is demonstrated that due to the intrinsic characteristic of the cross-border road transport, which is its transnational nature, conflict of laws may arise. The questions that need to be addressed upon such consideration are not only revolving around the law of which Member State is applicable to the employment contracts at hand, but also, the jurisdiction of the courts over the claim that is to be submitted. To bring coherency to the subject matter, which usually was regulated at the national level by the Member States, some legal regimes have been adopted by the EU that form a large part of EU law, which are further set forth in this chapter.
The third chapter concerns the posting of workers, who under EU law are not considered to be workers falling under the ambit of the free movement of workers provisions of the TFEU (Article 45 TFEU), but instead, they fall under the scope of the provisions governing the freedom to provide services. Consequently, posted workers cannot enjoy fully the principle of equal treatment unlike workers do, because as argued, they do not enter the labour market of a host Member State since they are supposed to provide their services temporary. Nevertheless, in order to strengthen the protection of these workers and to eliminate the risks of unfair competition between undertakings established in the Member States, the Posting of Workers Directive plays a pivotal role by guaranteeing a minimum set of hard-core rights to those workers who are posted to another Member State. In addition, the Posting of Workers Enforcement Directive seeks to safeguard a proper enforcement of these rules. Since the issue of posting is present in cross-border transport, as it happens to be the case that truck drivers are the ones being posted to deliver the goods from one Member State to another Member State, these legal instruments must be taken into account with regard to the issues concerning genuine posting and the enforcement of the existing rules on posting.
The fourth chapter envisages the social security coordination at the European Union level. Cross-border road transport possesses a transnational element, truck drivers could fall under a number of national legal regimes depending on the country of origin, transit countries and the country of the final destination. Therefore it is crucial to analyse to which social security scheme should the drivers be subject to so that it is clear where contributions have to be paid and where they could enjoy all the corollary rights and benefits. This part of the Module dwells into the existing legal provisions regulating social security stemming from the hard law instruments as such and on top of that, case law, which particularly in this field, forms a substantial bulk of applicable rules whilst implementation.
Finally, the last chapter addresses the social dialogue mechanisms. The social dialogue attempts to facilitate the cooperation between a vast array of stakeholders representing different positions, also in forms of collective bargaining, which in essence contributes to an overall improvement of strategic legal instruments by taking into account a wider perspective worked out in a course of negotiations and consultations. At the European level, social dialogue plays an important role between the associations of employers, trade unions and essentially the EU institutions that are obliged to take into account the stakeholders' opinions on the legislative proposals. Therefore, as described, social dialogue cannot be omitted, nor disregarded, quite the contrary, it needs to be strengthened to achieve a fair level playing field for all involved in the cross-border road transport.
Teaching materials
This MOOC consists of: knowledge clips, chapters of the textbook and reading material (literature and case law) and assignments in a form of multiple choice questions tests and sample guide case. There are 5 chapters available (one for each part of the MOOC) that could be downloaded. The chapters contain footnotes and are considered as a compulsory reading material. In order to comply with this MOOC, parts of the chapters have been extracted and placed as readings after the knowledge clips. Feel free to browse through them but do not forget about the chapters themselves
How are the materials aligned?
The chapters resemble the structure of a typical handbook style analysis. So please treat it as your base material. You can download the relevant chapters for each week. It can be downloaded under the heading 'materials for students'. We recommend you open this document, read it to get a first glance of its content and structure, and then follow the rest of the week. We also recorded videoclips that explain the legal issues in a pragmatic and attractive way. Basically, your teachers guide you through the most important parts of the chapters, by trying to 'discuss' them with you. After the videoclips, there is a 'reading' providing you with the information where the topics in the videos can be found in the textbook. We advise you to watch the video, and then follow our 'recommended reading' reference. In the videos we used examples, schemes, real life cases and different approaches to the topics that are also addressed in the chapters. The content of the chapters is what will be tested throughout this course, especially for in your grading assignments. Study these chapters and videoclips before taking the multiple choice questions (week 2 to 5) and before taking the final assignment in week 7.
Furthermore, under 'materials for students' you will find recommended readings and case law. If you want to study the topics more in-depth or if you would like to get another perspective, these materials will help you. We do not expect you to complete these readings for the purpose of this MOOC. The same goes for the case law. Only those cases that are explicitly discussed in the chapters, are expected to be studied. For those cases, such as Koelzsch, Voogsgeerd, Ryanair and Altun, we do expect you to read and study the judgments of the ECJ. When we expect you to study these cases, you will be asked to do so in order to answer the discussion prompts. For example, the third week contains a discussion prompt in which it is explicitly stated that 'you read the Ryanair case'. Then, you are expected to do so, and to know the content of this case and also to include this in your final assessment (upon your step-by-step analysis).
Grading formula
In order to pass this course, you will have to take some grading assignments. There are four multiple choice questions, that each counts for 10% (making it 40% in total). The last week consists of a final assignment, which is peer-reviewed. The latter test counts for 60%.
This MOOC is created by the SENSE Consortium (see the teaching staff in the next reading). This MOOC is copyright protected and solely meant for personal use by students who take the course. The materials or parts of it cannot be used elsewhere without explicit written permission from the authors.

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