Het webinar is al gehouden en op Youtube geplaatst. Klik hier: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fSEGYxHq4o&feature=youtu.be
Hier wat informatie:
The Child Protection Hub for South East Europe will host a
free webinar on 28 January 2020 for professionals in the asylum and
integration fields from southeastern Europe. The webinar will focus on
innovative counselling methods for refugee women victims of gender-based
violence, developed by the European Institute for Criminality
Prevention and Control (HEUNI) in partnership with organisations from
Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Germany, Finland and Italy.
The webinar will focus on the gender-based violence in the context of
asylum, stressing the pattern of violence that refugee women have
experienced, their coping mechanisms and the challenges they face during
the asylum procedure. The webinar’s speaker will be Ms. Inka Lilja from
HEUNI, who has a background in law and wide experience in working on
gender-based violent crime.
The webinar is part of BRIDGE project, led by Terre des Hommes and
supported by the EU through its programme Rights, Equality and
Citizenship 2014–2020.
About the webinar:
In this webinar Ms Inka Lilja from the
European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control (HEUNI) will present
a handbook developed by HEUNI and partner organizations, who work daily
with refugee women in six EU Member States: Croatia, Cyprus, Germany,
Greece, Finland and Italy. The handbook was developed through a
co-creation process and entails a counselling method for working with
refugee women who have been victims of gender-based violence. A part of
the co-creation process was an extensive data collection through which
information was gathered on the phenomena of GBV in the asylum context
and the challenges and lessons learned in assisting the victims. Ms
Lilja will talk about the pattern of violence identified in the research
including continuums of violence and normalization of violence in the
lives of refugee women as well as about the dilemma this particular
group of victims faced in accessing the criminal justice and asylum
system. Moreover, Ms Lilja will also lead the participants through the
main points of the counselling method developed. The main focus in the
handbook is on adult women but lessons can be also drawn to work with
youth and children. The handbook can be downloaded
in English, Finnish, German, Italian, Croatian and Greek and more about
the project in which the handbook was developed can be found here: http://heuni.education/ccm_gbv_outcomes.
content of this webinar represents the views of the author only and is
his/her sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any
responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.
Ms Inka Lilja has a degree in Law and she currently works as a Senior
Programme Officer at the European Institute for Crime Prevention and
Control, affiliated with the United Nations, based in Helsinki Finland.
Ms. Lilja has been responsible for developing and coordinating several
of HEUNI’s projects related to rights of victims of crime. She
previously worked for the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
(UNODC) in Myanmar in projects related to the implementation of the UN
Crime Programme. She has also worked for the Ministry of Defense and
Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, and for several development
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