EU hof uitspraak over gedwongen terugkeer naar waar iemand ooit gemarteld was en 15(b) 2004/83
24 April 2018 (*)
(Reference for a preliminary ruling — Asylum policy — Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union — Article 4 — Directive 2004/83/EC — Article 2(e) — Eligibility for subsidiary protection — Article 15(b) — Risk of serious harm to the psychological health of the applicant if returned to the country of origin — Person who has been tortured in the country of origin)
In Case C‑353/16,
On those grounds, the Court (Grand Chamber) hereby rules:
Articles 2(e)
and 15(b) of Directive 2004/83/EC of 29 April 2004 on minimum standards
for the qualification and status of third country nationals or
stateless persons as refugees or as persons who otherwise need
international protection and the content of the protection granted, read
in the light of Article 4 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the
European Union, must be interpreted as meaning that a third country
national who in the past has been tortured by the authorities of his
country of origin and no longer faces a risk of being tortured if
returned to that country, but whose physical and psychological health
could, if so returned, seriously deteriorate, leading to a serious risk
of him committing suicide on account of trauma resulting from the
torture he was subjected to, is eligible for subsidiary protection if
there is a real risk of him being intentionally deprived, in his country
of origin, of appropriate care for the physical and mental
after-effects of that torture, that being a matter for the national
court to determine.
Lees hier de hele uitspraak:
UPDATE: Zoals blijkt uit het zeer lezenswaardige commentaar op deze post hieronder en ook een toelichting door Stefan Koolen is artikel 4 de "EU-vertaling" van artikel 3 EVRM en klopt het dictum.
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