04 juni 2019

Leeftijdsonderzoek asielzoekers onrechtmatig zeggen Britse rechters ( Split Court of Appeal finds asylum seeker age assessment policy unlawful )

"The background is that, as the judgment explains, “the law requires a wholly different treatment of young asylum-seekers depending on whether they have passed their eighteenth birthday”. The Home Office is not generally supposed to put children in immigration detention, for example.
 The issue was whether the guidance documents, even with their emphasis on someone looking “significantly” older than 18, properly reflected that notion. Underhill LJ found that they did not:
they contain no recognition of just how unreliable the exercise of assessing age on the basis of appearance and demeanour is and, in consequence, how wide a margin of error is required. In truth, all the work is done by the single word “significantly”. But that is a word which can be interpreted in many different ways, and its imprecision is not corrected simply by printing it in bold or underlining it. Suppose an immigration officer believes that the appearance and demeanour of a young person whom he or she is assessing very strongly suggests that they are at least 20. It would be perfectly reasonable for them, in the absence of any guidance, to regard that as “significantly” over 18; yet the evidence shows that the margin of error is at least five years and maybe more – that is, an 18-year old young person may “look” as old as 23, or perhaps 25. In my view the need to restrict “criterion C” to obvious cases, or to give the young person the benefit of any real doubt, requires that the guidance should indeed attempt to quantify the extent of the margin of error that must be allowed.
 Lees hier verder: https://www.freemovement.org.uk/age-assessment-policy-unlawful/

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